Pathology Services
Cyted Laboratories partners with the NHS, private healthcare providers and life science companies to deliver improved diagnostic services.

Customer Information

UKNEQAS CPT (Specialist Techniques, Tissue Diagnostics, Diagnostic Cytopathology Cell Block Scheme)
UKNEQAS IHC (General Pathology)
All reporting consultants are GMC registered and monitored on a yearly basis
All biomedical scientists working in the department are registered
Registration Number: ZA224395
Caldicott Guardian: Neil Ryan (8JP97);
Information Governance Lead: Mark Horsburgh
Status: 23/24 Standards Met
Licence granted under Section 16 (2) (e) (i) and (ii) of the Human Tissue Act 2004
Licensing Number: 12685
Designated Individual: Alexander Bowman
Registered to carry out the following activities:
Diagnostic and Screening Processes June 2017
Participant ID: 1-3839766903
Nominated Individual: Neil Ryan
UKAS accredited medical diagnostic service, UKAS No. 9923. All testing performed at new accredited laboratory on Falcon Road
Our laboratory is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and service. We encourage feedback and take all complaints seriously. Complaints can be submitted via post, email ( or by phone (+44 (0)1480 453437). Each complaint will be acknowledged within 1 business day and investigated as required. We aim to resolve all complaints within 10 business days however some may take longer. Corrective actions will be implemented as necessary, and the complainant will be informed of the outcome. Our goal is to continuously improve our services, ensure the highest standards of patient care and satisfaction, and foster a culture of transparency and accountability.